UV 101 | Can you get sunburnt in the shade?

Have you ever spent the day sitting in the shade, only to come home completely confused as to how on earth you’re sunburnt? Shade, as it turns out, is not all equal. Regardless of whether you think you’re sitting in a shadow that is safe from sunlight, the reality is that UV rays can penetrate surfaces and the skin via indirect means. That is to say, even with a beach umbrella, unless you’re wearing sunscreen, you’re likely still going to get burnt.
Ultraviolet rays are what damage the skin rather than sunlight itself. Hence, you can still get burnt on a cloudy day! These dangerous rays can not only filter through some surfaces, but in other cases UV can reflect off water, sand, concrete and even grass. This in turn, may decrease the amount of protection things like shady trees or umbrellas can provide.
Even though we cannot see or feel UV rays, by having the ability to bounce of these surfaces means they can eventually reach your skin, even if you thought you were safe! As a general rule, if you can see sunlight, UV rays are prevalent. So, sun exposure – whether it be in the shade or not – can still be harmful to your skin.
While shade still provides an excellent means for preventing severe sunburn, alone, it rarely provides full protection from UV rays. Taking extra measures such as wearing SPF 50+ sunscreen and protective clothing, as well as avoiding full exposure between 11am -3pm, will ensure you’re adequately protected.